Atlanta – Besides eating

Of course, there are other things between the eating times. Well, actually I’m here to work. But I’ve got only to compare two Excel-sheets and look for differences. After comparing I’m waiting for my access to the american project drive to read. In this country you are not qualified to do anything until you have read through several training sheets. :| It will take weeks until I can start to work and I already agreed with Kobi in his blog that the first days in a project are always the most boring days, because of all this training lessons, but at that time I didn’t know that I have to read for many weeks. 8o


There are still other strange things here in America. I bought a so-called throw-away-mobile (Pay as you go) for 39.99$ with a prepaid SIM-Card to stay in contact cheaper with my german colleagues here in Alpharetta. It’s a Samsung SGH-A117 ant it’s made of plastic. But I got problems with my credit card, so I couldn’t fill my prepaid account with money. And I figured out, that I can’t use the cell phone without money on the account, because you need money to be reachable. Whenever someone calls you, you have to pay for it. Even when I’m doing a testcall on my german cell phone to see if it works to call foreign phones, it costs me money. I didn’t answered this call, of course, but I have to pay for it. Anytime I found a code which I can fill my account with 10$, so others can call me at least. And when I’m able to refill my account with a working credit card with 25$ or higher within 7 days after activating the SIM-Card, I’ll get another 10$-bonus within the next 5 days. So in the end I will have about 45$ to use until July, because the amount expires. ;(

But one thing is really wonderful: Shopping. :D There are so many cool things. For example I saw adishwashing sponge brush with integrated dish liquid batcher. I must have this for at home. :D Almost everything is so cheap in contrast to Germany. Juergen and I went to Fry’s tuesday afternoon before dinner and we totally forget the time because all electronics were so much cheaper than in Germany and if we could we’ve stayed the whole night and spend a lot of money in there. Just one of thousand things, I didn’t know that I’m certain to must have is Rockband:


It’s a shame, that we can’t use the US version in Germany. :( It’s not fair that we have to pay 229 € for the whole bundle.

April 17, 2008 · Posted in English, USA  


2 Responses to “Atlanta – Besides eating”

  1. kobi on April 18th, 2008 08:10

    Hey Tina, in this case I’m totally agree with you! – Now I’m able to work, but I’ve got to much to do! :-) Anyway, I’ll cross my fingers for you and I think you’re able to do and find some other nice things! Greetings from good old Germany!

  2. jnin on April 18th, 2008 12:43

    hui cool! den shopping beitrag mag ich noch mehr! :D

    aber so spülbürsten kriegste doch auch hier, aber vielleicht nicht so coole! ;)

o_O hrhr ^^ =] ;) ;( :zzz: :yippi: :yawn: :x :whistling: :thumbsup: :thumbsdown: :sick: :schmacht: :sabber: :rose: :rolleyes: :rip: :relax: :red: :pinch: :phew: :ohoh: :music: :mrgreen: :love: :knautsch: :klugscheiss: :hug: :heart: :grr: :flag: :exercise: :evil: :embarrased: :devil: :danke: :crab: :bye: :bier: :bestfriends: :bash: :bag: :baeh: :asia: :] :S :P :O :D :?: :/ :) :( :!: 8o 8) -_- -.-

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